Helen-Rose fitness pinup

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Spent a fabulous day shooting the lovely Helen-rose, in a shoot we dubbed “Helen-Rose fitness pinup”. Now Helen is definitely what our “transatlantic cousins” would call a “class act”. With her lovely long hair, athletic hourglass figure and long shapely legs, she is a delight to photograph. Turns out that her vital stats are similar to the late Bettie Page, in her heyday. Which is probably one of the reasons why vintage costumes look particularly good on her.

She turned up at the studio with a car-load of outfits, including some amazingly nice corsets. Sadly we did not have time for them all. She also brought a wonderful tailor-made sparkly ball gown that hugged her every curve with millimetric precision. And she tried a goodly selection of our costumes too.

Her pre-shoot communications were excellent, and we set out a fairly detailed shoot plan. However we kept adding ideas – so many ideas that the clock eventually gave up on us! But I sincerely hope she will return for a second shoot, to try some of the outfits and ideas that time would not permit on this occasion.

Lovely model, lovely person and very highly recommended.

Helen fitness pinup pictures

Helen’s pictures taken by other photographers…

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